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1978-79 [2024/04/22 05:10] – external edit [2024/06/01 21:41] (current) – external edit
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 ===== 1978-79 • Volume 80 ===== ===== 1978-79 • Volume 80 =====
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 | {{covers:v080n1.jpg?direct&200 |}} | **Welcome to the Farm**\\ Fall 1978 \\ Editor: Bruce Handy \\  | | {{covers:v080n1.jpg?direct&200 |}} | **Welcome to the Farm**\\ Fall 1978 \\ Editor: Bruce Handy \\  |
-| {{covers:v080n2.jpg?direct&200 |}} | **Cereal Kid**\\ Nov 1, 1978 \\ Editor: Bruce Handy \\  |+| {{covers:v080n2.jpg?direct&200 |}} | **Kids**\\ Nov 1, 1978 \\ Editor: Bruce Handy \\ {{pdf:v080n2.pdf|PDF}} |
 | {{covers:v080n3.jpg?direct&200 |}} | **Sugar Spice Everything Nice**\\ Jan 1, 1979 \\ Editor: Bruce Handy \\ {{pdf:v080n3.pdf|PDF}} | | {{covers:v080n3.jpg?direct&200 |}} | **Sugar Spice Everything Nice**\\ Jan 1, 1979 \\ Editor: Bruce Handy \\ {{pdf:v080n3.pdf|PDF}} |
 | {{covers:v080n4.jpg?direct&200 |}} | **The 70s**\\ Mar 1, 1979 \\ Editor: Bruce Handy \\ {{pdf:v080n4.pdf|PDF}} | | {{covers:v080n4.jpg?direct&200 |}} | **The 70s**\\ Mar 1, 1979 \\ Editor: Bruce Handy \\ {{pdf:v080n4.pdf|PDF}} |
 | {{covers:v080n5.jpg?direct&200 |}} | **Special Funnyness Issue**\\ Jun 1, 1979 \\ Editor: Bruce Handy \\ {{pdf:v080n5.pdf|PDF}} | | {{covers:v080n5.jpg?direct&200 |}} | **Special Funnyness Issue**\\ Jun 1, 1979 \\ Editor: Bruce Handy \\ {{pdf:v080n5.pdf|PDF}} |
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