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1915-16 [2024/02/08 20:10] – created Barry Parr1915-16 [2024/05/05 00:54] (current) – external edit
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-====== 1915-16 • Volume 17 ======+{{page>:logo&noeditbutton&nodate}} 
 +===== 1915-16 • Volume 17 =====
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 ===== Staff ===== ===== Staff =====
-Editor: [[Harold Levy]]\\ Art Director: [[]]\\ Business Manager: [[]]+Editor: Harold Levy\\ Art Director: \\ Business Manager: 
 ===== Issues ===== ===== Issues =====
-| {{:v017n1.jpg?direct&200 |}}  | **Mr. and Miss Nineteen**\\ Mar 29, 1905 \\ Editor: Harold Levy | +| {{covers:v017n1.jpg?direct&200 |}}  | **Mr. and Miss Nineteen**\\ Mar 29, 1905 \\ Editor: Harold Levy | 
-| {{:v017n2.jpg?direct&200 |}}  | **Pan-Hell**\\  \\ Editor: Harold Levy | +| {{covers:v017n2.jpg?direct&200 |}}  | **Pan-Hell**\\  \\ Editor: Harold Levy | 
-| {{:v017n3.jpg?direct&200 |}}  | **Rugby**\\  \\ Editor: Harold Levy | +| {{covers:v017n3.jpg?direct&200 |}}  | **Rugby**\\  \\ Editor: Harold Levy | 
-| {{:v017n4.jpg?direct&200 |}}  | **Snow on the Quad**\\  \\ Editor: Harold Levy | +| {{covers:v017n4.jpg?direct&200 |}}  | **Snow on the Quad**\\  \\ Editor: Harold Levy | 
-| {{:v017n5.jpg?direct&200 |}}  | ****\\  \\ Editor: Harold Levy | +| {{covers:v017n5.jpg?direct&200 |}}  | ****\\  \\ Editor: Harold Levy | 
-| {{:v017n6.jpg?direct&200 |}}  | **Leap-Year Number**\\ Feb 1, 1916 \\ Editor: Harold Levy | +| {{covers:v017n6.jpg?direct&200 |}}  | **Leap-Year Number**\\ Feb 1, 1916 \\ Editor: Harold Levy | 
-| {{:v017n7.jpg?direct&200 |}}  | **15 Cent Stamp**\\ Mar 1, 1916 \\ Editor: Harold Levy | +| {{covers:v017n7.jpg?direct&200 |}}  | **15 Cent Stamp**\\ Mar 1, 1916 \\ Editor: Harold Levy | 
-| {{:v017n8.jpg?direct&200 |}}  | **Again**\\ Apr 1, 1916 \\ Editor: Harold Levy | +| {{covers:v017n8.jpg?direct&200 |}}  | **Again**\\ Apr 1, 1916 \\ Editor: Harold Levy | 
-| {{:v017n9.jpg?direct&200 |}}  | **Diploma Dance**\\ May 1, 1916 \\ Editor: Harold Levy |+| {{covers:v017n9.jpg?direct&200 |}}  | **Diploma Dance**\\ May 1, 1916 \\ Editor: Harold Levy |
-===== More Crap =====+===== Photos & More ===== 
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